Abnormal Event Detection at 150 FPS in MATLAB
Authors: Cewu Lu, Jianping Shi, Jiaya Jia
Difficulties in detecting abnormal events based on surveillance videos
- Hard to list all possible negative samples
Traditional method
Normal patterns are learned from training
And then the patterns are used to detect events deviated from this representation
Other methods
Trajectories extracted from object-of-interest are used as normal patterns
Learn normal low-level video feature distributions(exponential, multivariate Gaussian mixture, clustering)
Graph model normal event representations which use co-occurrence patterns
sparsity-based model(not fast enough for realtime processing due to the inherently intensive computation to build sparse representation)
Sparsity Based Abnormality Detection
Sparsity: A general constraint to model normal event patterns as a linear combination of a set of basis atoms
Computationally expensive
$\beta$ : parse coefficients
$|x-D\beta|^2_2 $ :data fitting term
$|\beta|_0$ : sparsity regulization term
$s$ : parameter to control sparsity
- abnormal pattern: large error result from $|x-D\beta|^2_2$
Efficiency problem
Adopting $min|x-D\beta|^2_2$ is time-consuming :
find the suitable basis vectors (with scale $s$) from the dictionary (with scale $q$) to represent testing data $x$
Search space is large ( $(^q_s)$ different combinations )
Our contribution
Instead of coding sparsity by finding an $s$ basis combination from $D$ in $min|x-D\beta|^2_2$, we code it directly as a set of possible combinations of basis vectors
We only need to find the most suitable combination by evaluating the small-scale least square error
Freely selecting $s$ basis vectors from a total of $q$ vectors, the reconstructed structure could deviate from input due to the large freedom. However, in our method, each combination finds its corresponding input data
It reaches 140∼150 FPS using a desktop with 3.4GHz CPU and 8G memory in MATLAB 2012.
Learning Combinations on Training Data
- Preprocess
Resize each frame into different scales as “Sparse Reconstruction Cost for Abnormal Event Detection”
Uniformly partition each layer to a set of non-overlapping patches. All patches have the same size
Corresponding regions in 5 continuous frames are stacked together to form a spatial-temporal cube.
This pyramid involves local information in fine-scale layers and more global structures in small-resolution ones.
With the spatial-temporal cubes, we compute 3D gradient features on each of them following “Anomaly Detection in Extremely Crowded Scenes Using Spatio-Temporal Motion Pattern Models”
Features are processed separately according to their spatial coordinates. Only features at the same spatial location in the video frames are used together for training and testing.
Learning Combinations on Training Data
3D gradient features in all frames gathered temporally for training are denoted as . Each $x_i$ has $p$ features and there are $n$ $x_i$ in the $X$
Our goal is to find a sparse basis combination set with each $S_i \in R^{p*s}$. Each $S_i$ combines $s$ dictionary basis vectors and each basis vector has $p$ features which correspond to the features in $x_i$. Each $S_i$ belongs to a closed, convex and bounded set, which ensures column-wise unit norm to prevent over-fitting
Reconstruction Error
Each $\gamma_j^i$ indicates whether or not the $i^{th}%$ combination $S_i$ is chosen for data $x_j$ and only one combination $S_i$ is selected for each $x_j$
$K$ must be small enough because a very large $K$ could possibly make the reconstruction error $t$ always close to zero(Don’t understand), even for abnormal events. However, we want the errors to be larger for abnormal events
Optimization for Training
Problem : Reducing $K$ could increase reconstruction errors $t$. And it is not optimal to fix $K$ as well, as content may vary among videos
Solution : A maximum representation strategy. It automatically finds $K$ while not wildly increasing the reconstruction error $t$. In fact, error $t$ for each training feature is upper bounded in our method
Updated function
- $\lambda :$ We obtain a set of combinations with a small $K$ by setting a reconstruction error upper bound $\lambda$ uniformly for each $S_i$. If $t_j$ is smaller than $\lambda$, the coding result is with good quality
In each pass, we update only one combination, making it represent as many training data as possible
This process can quickly find the dominating combinations encoding important and most common features
Remaining training cube features that cannot be well represented by this combination are sent to the next round to gather residual maximum commonness
This process ends until all training data are computed and bounded
The size of combination $K$ reflects how informative the training data are
In each pass, we solve the equation above by interatively update ${S_s^i,\beta}$ and $\lambda$
- Update ${S_s^i,\beta}$ :
(Optimize $\beta$ while fixing $S_i$ for all $\gamma_j^i \neq 0$)
( Using block-coordinate descent( Online learning for matrix factorization and sparse coding and set $\delta = 1E-4$)
- Update $\gamma$ :
The algorithm is controlled by $\lambda$, Reducing it could lead to a larger $K$
- With the learned sparse combinations $S = {S_1, …, S_K}$, in the testing phase with new data $x$, we checki f there exists a combination in $S$ fitting the $\lambda$. It can be quickly achieved by checking the least square error for each $S_i$
- optimal solution :
- Reconstruction error in $S_i$ :
It is noted that the first a few dominating combinations represent the largest number of normal event features.
Easy to parallel to achieve $O(1)$ complexity
Average combination checking ratio $= \frac{The\ number\ of\ combinations\ checked}{The\ total\ number\ K}$
- Relation to Subspace Clustering
System Settings
Resize each frame to 3 scales: $20*20, 30*40, 120*160$ pixels respectively
Uniformly partition each layer to a set of non-overlapping 10×10 patches (totaly 208 sub-regions for each frame $\frac{20*30+30*40+120*160}{10*10}=208$ )
Corresponding sub-regions in 5 continuous frames are stacked together to form a spatial temporal cube with resolution $10*10*5$
Compute 3D gradient features on each cube and concatenate them into a 1500-dimension feature vector
Reduce the feature vector to 100 dimensions via PCA
Normalize the reduced feature vector to make it mean 0 and variance 1
For each frame, we compute an abnormal indicator $V$ by summing the number of cubes in each scale with weights
$v_i$ : the number of abnormal cubes in scale $i$, the top scale is with index $1$ while the bottom one is with $n$.
Verification of Sparse Combinations
Each video contains 208 regions and each region correspond to a cube and there are 6000-12000 features in each sube
The features are used to verify the combination model. The number of combinations for each region is $K$
The mean of $K$ is 9.75 and variance is 10.62, indicating 10 combinations are generally enough in our model
假设有一个学习好的$D\in R^{p \times q}$, 稀疏系数$\alpha_i$的0范数小于等于$s$
也就是每个样本$x_i$最多能用$s$个字典基来表达。因为要稀疏,显然有$s « q$
预先训练好$K$个稀疏表达$S_1 … S_K$,每个表达$S_i$都由$D$中的$s$个字典基组成
分 2 步解决这个问题
更新$S_s^i,\beta$ :
(更新 $\beta$ 时固定 $S_i$ 并且所有 $\gamma_j^i \neq 0$)
详情请见Online Learning for Matrix Factorization and Sparse Coding中的算法1和算法2
更新$\gamma$ :