Abnormal Event Detection at 150 FPS in MATLAB


Posted by icbcbicc on September 4, 2016

Abnormal Event Detection at 150 FPS in MATLAB

Authors: Cewu Lu, Jianping Shi, Jiaya Jia



Difficulties in detecting abnormal events based on surveillance videos

  • Hard to list all possible negative samples

Traditional method

  • Normal patterns are learned from training

  • And then the patterns are used to detect events deviated from this representation

Other methods

  • Trajectories extracted from object-of-interest are used as normal patterns

  • Learn normal low-level video feature distributions(exponential, multivariate Gaussian mixture, clustering)

  • Graph model normal event representations which use co-occurrence patterns

  • sparsity-based model(not fast enough for realtime processing due to the inherently intensive computation to build sparse representation)

Sparsity Based Abnormality Detection

  • Sparsity: A general constraint to model normal event patterns as a linear combination of a set of basis atoms

  • Computationally expensive

    $\beta$ : parse coefficients

    $|x-D\beta|^2_2 $ :data fitting term

    $|\beta|_0$ : sparsity regulization term

    $s$ : parameter to control sparsity

    • abnormal pattern: large error result from $|x-D\beta|^2_2$
  • Efficiency problem

    Adopting $min|x-D\beta|^2_2$ is time-consuming :

    • find the suitable basis vectors (with scale $s$) from the dictionary (with scale $q$) to represent testing data $x$

    • Search space is large ( $(^q_s)$ different combinations )

  • Our contribution

    • Instead of coding sparsity by finding an $s$ basis combination from $D$ in $min|x-D\beta|^2_2$, we code it directly as a set of possible combinations of basis vectors

    • We only need to find the most suitable combination by evaluating the small-scale least square error

    Our testing architecture

    • Freely selecting $s$ basis vectors from a total of $q$ vectors, the reconstructed structure could deviate from input due to the large freedom. However, in our method, each combination finds its corresponding input data

    • It reaches 140∼150 FPS using a desktop with 3.4GHz CPU and 8G memory in MATLAB 2012.


Learning Combinations on Training Data

  • Preprocess
    • Resize each frame into different scales as “Sparse Reconstruction Cost for Abnormal Event Detection

    • Uniformly partition each layer to a set of non-overlapping patches. All patches have the same size

    • Corresponding regions in 5 continuous frames are stacked together to form a spatial-temporal cube.

    • Resize

    This pyramid involves local information in fine-scale layers and more global structures in small-resolution ones.

  • Learning Combinations on Training Data

    • 3D gradient features in all frames gathered temporally for training are denoted as . Each $x_i$ has $p$ features and there are $n$ $x_i$ in the $X$

    • Our goal is to find a sparse basis combination set with each $S_i \in R^{p*s}$. Each $S_i$ combines $s$ dictionary basis vectors and each basis vector has $p$ features which correspond to the features in $x_i$. Each $S_i$ belongs to a closed, convex and bounded set, which ensures column-wise unit norm to prevent over-fitting

    • Reconstruction Error

    • Each $\gamma_j^i$ indicates whether or not the $i^{th}%$ combination $S_i$ is chosen for data $x_j$ and only one combination $S_i$ is selected for each $x_j$

    • $K$ must be small enough because a very large $K$ could possibly make the reconstruction error $t$ always close to zero(Don’t understand), even for abnormal events. However, we want the errors to be larger for abnormal events

  • Optimization for Training

    • Problem : Reducing $K$ could increase reconstruction errors $t$. And it is not optimal to fix $K$ as well, as content may vary among videos

    • Solution : A maximum representation strategy. It automatically finds $K$ while not wildly increasing the reconstruction error $t$. In fact, error $t$ for each training feature is upper bounded in our method

    • Updated function

    • $\lambda :$ We obtain a set of combinations with a small $K$ by setting a reconstruction error upper bound $\lambda$ uniformly for each $S_i$. If $t_j$ is smaller than $\lambda$, the coding result is with good quality
  • Algorithm

    • In each pass, we update only one combination, making it represent as many training data as possible

    • This process can quickly find the dominating combinations encoding important and most common features

    • Remaining training cube features that cannot be well represented by this combination are sent to the next round to gather residual maximum commonness

    • This process ends until all training data are computed and bounded

    • The size of combination $K$ reflects how informative the training data are

    • In each pass, we solve the equation above by interatively update ${S_s^i,\beta}$ and $\lambda$

      1. Update ${S_s^i,\beta}$ :

      (Optimize $\beta$ while fixing $S_i$ for all $\gamma_j^i \neq 0$)

      ( Using block-coordinate descent( Online learning for matrix factorization and sparse coding and set $\delta = 1E-4$)

      1. Update $\gamma$ :

    Algorithm 1

    The algorithm is controlled by $\lambda$, Reducing it could lead to a larger $K$

  • Testing

    • With the learned sparse combinations $S = {S_1, …, S_K}$, in the testing phase with new data $x$, we checki f there exists a combination in $S$ fitting the $\lambda$. It can be quickly achieved by checking the least square error for each $S_i$
    • optimal solution :
    • Reconstruction error in $S_i$ :

    Algorithm 2

    • It is noted that the first a few dominating combinations represent the largest number of normal event features.

    • Easy to parallel to achieve $O(1)$ complexity

    • Average combination checking ratio $= \frac{The\ number\ of\ combinations\ checked}{The\ total\ number\ K}$

  • Relation to Subspace Clustering


System Settings

  • Resize each frame to 3 scales: $20*20, 30*40, 120*160$ pixels respectively

  • Uniformly partition each layer to a set of non-overlapping 10×10 patches (totaly 208 sub-regions for each frame $\frac{20*30+30*40+120*160}{10*10}=208$ )

    Patches in 3 scales, each region corresponds to a K

  • Corresponding sub-regions in 5 continuous frames are stacked together to form a spatial temporal cube with resolution $10*10*5$

  • Compute 3D gradient features on each cube and concatenate them into a 1500-dimension feature vector

  • Reduce the feature vector to 100 dimensions via PCA

  • Normalize the reduced feature vector to make it mean 0 and variance 1

  • For each frame, we compute an abnormal indicator $V$ by summing the number of cubes in each scale with weights

    $v_i$ : the number of abnormal cubes in scale $i$, the top scale is with index $1$ while the bottom one is with $n$.

Verification of Sparse Combinations

  • Each video contains 208 regions and each region correspond to a cube and there are 6000-12000 features in each sube

  • The features are used to verify the combination model. The number of combinations for each region is $K$

    The distribution of K in 31200 regions from 150 videos The mean of $K$ is 9.75 and variance is 10.62, indicating 10 combinations are generally enough in our model


  • 假设有一个学习好的$D\in R^{p \times q}$, 稀疏系数$\alpha_i$的0范数小于等于$s$

    也就是每个样本$x_i$最多能用$s$个字典基来表达。因为要稀疏,显然有$s « q$



  • 这篇文章主要解决了效率问题,提出了新的测试方式(训练$D$的方式也随之改变):

    预先训练好$K$个稀疏表达$S_1 … S_K$,每个表达$S_i$都由$D$中的$s$个字典基组成


  • 重点在于得到$K$个$S_i$:




  • 在每次循环得到新的$S_i$的过程中:


    分 2 步解决这个问题

    • 更新$S_s^i,\beta$ :

      (更新 $\beta$ 时固定 $S_i$ 并且所有 $\gamma_j^i \neq 0$)

      详情请见Online Learning for Matrix Factorization and Sparse Coding中的算法1和算法2

      Algorithm 1

    • 更新$\gamma$ :

  • 测试




    Algorithm 2